Friday, August 12, 2011

Hp laptop, help me?!? ?

That is just about the perfect computer for you, you are spending a bit of extra money for the graphics card which you won't need though. The sale sort of makes up for that however :D

Ladies, whats the easiest or best way to tell a girl you like her?

Theres a girl im sorta friends with, i like her but im not sure how she feels about me. It would feel awkward for me to just go up to her and say "hey Kimberly, i like you" especially if she entertains no such notions regarding me. So, whats an easy way to sorta allude to it when im speaking to her without having to say anything awkward or uncomfortable? thanx

Are most women born lesbians or "made" lesbians by social indoctrination?

No. Both men and women are born either straight, gay or bi. A whole gender is not gay, bi or straight. You are talking about bisexual and bicurious women, not straight women.

Why do people reject science when the consequences of doing so are so severe with respect to climate change?

I can't understand why Republicans and others in politics reject the work of science even after all the scientific community has done for us as a nation. The areas where this community has been correct are overwhelming. Is this really a socioeconomic question if those in charge listen to what is now considered a fact of the modern world. They risk change which may cost them power, money and validity which they can never recover from? Or is this a religious question and does this issue threaten the Davine right of man to dominate the earth as it says in the bible? Is Joseph Campbell right? do we need a new religion that place respect for the earth at its core. The three Abrahmic religions are us versus them and us versus nature. Do these notions have to begin to decline before we cam deal with this issue? And will it be too late? How can one rationalize a planet with 7 Billion people on it, more than have ever lived here before, expect things to continue without repercussions?

Conventions to protect women from discrimination?

Affirmative action benefitted white women 10x more than any other group. VAWA ensured female supremacy and unlimited funding for sham womems groups

Where can I get clips for an AMV?

I'm going to be making an AMV sometime in the near future, and I was wondering where (on the internet) can I get free, good quality clips from the anime Kuroshitsuji II? Thanks!

What does "Pit-bull terrier" mean in the etymology explanation of pit?

"hole," O.E. pytt "water hole, pit," from W.Gmc. *puttjaz "pool, puddle" (cf. O.E. putti, O.N. pyttr, Du. put, Ger. Pfütze), early borrowing from L. puteus "well, pit, shaft." Meaning "abode of evil spirits, hell" is attested from early 13c. As a verb, “to put into a pit,” mid-15c.; especially for purposes of fighting (of cocks, dogs, pugilists) from 1760. Figurative sense of “to set in rivalry” is from 1754. Meaning “to make pits in” is from late 15c. Related: Pitted; pitting. Cf. Pit-bull terrier first recorded 1945. This is also the notion behind the meaning "the part of a theater on the floor of the house" (1640s). Pit of the stomach (1650s) is from the slight depression there between the ribs.

Help with Chapter 4 questions in of mice and men?

It looks as though most of your questions were answered but here's some help from Shmoop if they were not.

I feel to CRY............?

First don't focus on the negative focus on the positive you have a sane mind,and good health, and you know how you feel which is important and you do not let others tell you how you are feeling and what they think about your issues. Just like you put the information on paper you should talk to others about your issues and how they make you feel, people do not know until you tell them what is going on. i don't like it when you do this or that etc let them know. Once, you start verbalizing your feelings then their is no reason to hold frustration and anger and sadness about the situation, you let them know and they need to react to your issues or maybe you can suggest conjoint therapy sometimes when they hear something from others they may see this differently.

Canada is the second largest US oil supplier yet we pay more per litre than they do Corporate greed?

That's because it's sold to us as crude oil, refined by us and sold back as gasoline. Just think how much the price would go down if you had refineries. :)

How long does thermal interface compound remain effective?

As long as you do not take the joint apart, it will be good for many years. Of course, this presumes you assembled the joint correctly in the first place. The object is to "fill in" the crevices in the surface so there are no gaps for air, right? Surfaces that appear smooth to your fingers are really rough when looked at under a microscope, looking more like a mountain range than a mirror. As a result, two surfaces that appear to be in contact really are NOT, with only the high points touching. The paste fills in the gaps so there is no air space and THAT is why it works as it does, to conduct heat from one surface to the other. The paste is oil based so it does not "dry" as such, but over time, it WILL "thicken" as even oil vaporizes. The only area avail for oil to vaporize is the edge where the surfaces meet. The thicker the layer of paste, the more area is exposed at the edge for oil to vaporize. Still, the rate of oil vaporization means it will take many YEARS before anything significant will happen to "harden" the paste. You have nothing to worry about.

Spiritually speaking, are you more likely to get thumbed up if you are extreme?

yes.trolls seek the recognition of their fellows. Why else would a religion and spirituality section be filled with those that claim to believe in neither.

How long after the initial ear piercing before you can stretch it?

I have one ear gauged really big 7/8. But that's the only piercing I've ever had and I guess around the age of 16 when I was at 7/16 the notion struck me "I have two ears, I should stretch the other ear, and just never did and now I really want to so I "look even"

Is this normal! pregnancy symptoms? !?

Does this sound like pregnancy symptoms? On February 9th,10th and 11th I had unprotected sex, though i was on the pill, at the time I was on antibiotics, penicillin and amoxicillin. He never ejaculated in me once. I took a qualitative blood test at planned parenthood a little over a month after that and it was negative, I also had a negative urine test that day as well. I should mention i have had a period every month but since I'm on the pill the periods are light so I don't know if i could be ppregnant. Lately I've been tired but i do work graveyard, I find myself wanting tto sleep all day. I've been nauseated, but not to the point where I vomit, the tips of my nipples have been hurting to the touch like if I graze them with my finger tip and push down slightly for 4 days and according to the pills i wont get a period for 12 more days,and I always feel hungry. I took a dollar store test today and it was negative, but this week I've had a feelingthat feels likea bbaby kicking. And I've been burping alot today. I don't have health insurance. Could i be pregnant or is it just indigestion? and When I went to planned parenthood for the blood test they laughed and I had to fight to get it, all they do is urine dips. And they deny me an ultrasound. My nipples also hurt like 2 months ago for a couple of days. I don't know if its pms, is it possible 2 weeks before I'm on my period plus I'm on the pill. I'm Aldo scared because this lady on "I didn't know iI was pregnant, was a nurse, took her pill everyday at the same time and still got pregnant, she also had regular periods every months and ttook a home pregnancy test months into the pregnancy and it was negative. She onlu had fever Like symptoms twice the hole

Can someone help me select a motherboard for my system?

Any motherboard with a PCI Express x16 slot can use any PCI Express x16 card, provided that you use the proper wattage power supply (AMD recommends a 500W or greater for the HD 6850), AND the case you use has enough room for the card (the HD 6850 is roughly 8.5" or 216mm long).

Do you think porn is wrong or not?

There's a world of difference between having sex and making love. Pornography is fantasy, not real life and many people enjoy it. The actors are consenting adults and of they choose to earn a living that way good luck to them; they aren't hurting anybody. If a person doesn't approve of porn they don't have to watch it, it's all down to personal taste. A lot of couples watch porn together as part of their love-making or foreplay, that doesn't make their sexual relationship meaningless and perverse, sex is to be enjoyed and everyone is different, what turns one person on will leave another person cold! Live and let live and don't be too quick to judge others.

Do you agree with Obama on unpaid jobs ban?

Honey, that is your sense of Entitlement speaking. I did three, count 'em three unpaid internships while getting my graduate degree. It gave me much needed and valuable experience that I could then put on my resume for my first paid professional job. To make ends meet while I did my internships, I worked as a house cleaner. That, too, was good experience and made me appreciate even more the opportunity I was getting in receiving an education.

2 questions for vegans -serious advice please?

If I got in the mood for an egg I would just remind myself that it's an unborn baby. A chicken's period. It's much better to eat eggs from chickens that can run around freely and lay eggs naturally but to me, I can't stomach it. I was never hip on eggs even before I went vegan. They have protein but so does sperm. I'd rather eat the semen.

Is the New Age movement / NWO proof that history is doomed to repeat itself?

there's nothing you can do to stop these elites from doing what they want. it's too late. as far as this geting intertwined with christianity, that's bs. no one can prove christianity is the "true" religion. anyway, i believe the illuminati do control some world events, presidents, but they're doing an awful job. take a look at the rothschilds, they have over half the world's money and they don't fully control the world yet. so all i'm trying to say is, don't live in fear, they're all a bunch of porn directors.

Billy the kid and the Lincoln county wars?

The movies Young Guns and Young Guns II have a lot of "Hollywood made" scenes and myths about Billy the kid and the Lincoln county wars, However, they do contain many true facts about them as well. My question is, In the movie young Guns II, Tom O'folliard was portrayed as a 14 year old boy who wanted to join up with what was left of the regulators after Billy took charge. Was Tom O'folliard really this young? Or was this another hollywood glam moment?

My college student is acting funny and I just found out, a convicted felon, this is crazy, help!!!?

2nd degree felony, sexual exploitation of a minor (meaning distribution on internet of some form of child sexuality, including the possibility could have been his child); 1st degree felony: sexual assault and abuse of a child (the description said that for this one, to be be convicted, there is violence or threat of violence involved in the rape, and yes it is a full rape and bodily harm of a child, and includes the parent of the child). I wonder if he's the father, or uncle or something? Well anyway, he kind of creeped me out all semester with odd comments in class and trying to walk me to my car. His topic was on felons being second class citizens who are discriminated against. His records are totally public, but first of all, is it illegal of me to tell my other students so I can make sure no harassment has taken place? Is it illegal for me to post on my FB about his crimes and picture? And am I too freaked out and should give him the benefit of the doubt? I dont want to be around him and I'm scared, and is that me being discriminatory or could it be a real threat??

Can you recommend some anime for me?

Try Fruits Basket! It's not much of a Romance one but it's cute and funny. but be aware.... the characters have HUGE eyes! but you get used to the creators style quickly. But yeah. Fruits Basket is good and can be watched here: (make sure you select dubbed above the video player if you want to watch in english.)

Do Americans believe that "if it wasn't for us, you Euros would all be speaking German?"?

Please excuse our pride in the fact that we helped everyone fighting hitler. We supplied the Russians with aircraft and other armaments as well as England. Yes, we think the war could well have had a different outcome without our contributions so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.

HELP! NVQ UK or SAUDI? what are the chances of a fresh grad nurse now?

NVQ in the UK is ok to boost your education but not if you are a fully qualified nurse. You could not survive on �6 per hour working 20 hours per week because that is �120 which is not enough to survive on as rent etc is very expensive, my weekly rent for my flat/apartment is �68, council tax is �20 per week and electricity is �25 per week. Unemployment here in the UK is high and most of the UK recently graduated nurses are unemployed and for any job that is advertised there is up to 2000 people applying for it so I am not being rude but I think we have enough unemployment problems for the British person without people like yourself adding to it. I cant comment of Agency A because I done know anything about them but it doesn't sound legal or secure. Good Luck.

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

She is interested in you. A relationship with a guy does not mean she cannpt think about a relationship wtih you. The question is are you ok sharing?

The notion of protecting the minority from the mayority. American Goverment?

This is almost impossible to police and as the government can only be elected by campaigns paid for by the rich an almost impossible ideal.

What is the primary cause of poverty in developing countries?

It is kleptocratic governments. Rhodesia was a much wealthier country when the British where running it.Today is is one of the poorest in the world. The resources haven't changed.

Why isn't suicide viable?

It is One SINGLE Life to Live. There is no another life for Us in this World.So, committing Suicide means We just lose Our life.It is better to live our life, without consideration of What others doing,or liking? It is Our life,We have to live for Our self,and If We like to do any Good cause for others We have to ready for doing that,without worrying about others doing.Is any body live for Good or Bad cause,It must Be Our wish for GOOD cause.

Am I the only one that's offended by American Idol performances tonight?

If you count Hailey's "performance" of rolling her eyes, her sarcastic comments back to the judges, her overall, bi*tchy behavior, well then yeah, I was.

Does the fact that most sex workers were sexually abused when they were younger...? the idea that their choice of occupation is just an extension of their abuse and exploitation? Should stripping, prostitution, pornography, escort services... be illegal (where they aren't already) for this reason? Or should grown adults be able to legally continue their own abuse and exploitation if that is their choice?

Would a college still accept me if I don't take two foreign language courses?

I absolutely do not want to take Spanish II, but Michigan State University lists two foreign language classes as being required for admission. Is that set in stone? I mean, I have an ACT score of 30 and a GPA of 3.99, and am the salutatorian in my class, all of which are above average for MSU students. Do you think they'd reject me if I only had one foreign language class?

What is a good internet provider for Australia, perth?

I had BoB from ii Net but it was vey bad, It was always laggy, they always had issues at the HQ, and eventuly I just didn't have it, it got cut off from an overcharged bill from them stuffing up yet again, it just isn't good. Now I need new internet. I only use it for xbox live so I need a good reliable provider that doesnt have lag, there there will proberly be 3 iphones 2 xbox's and 1 computer, not at once but they are the devices that are in my house.

There was a certain political theorist John Locke criticised for using Biblical references..?

to say that women were made only to serve men. John Locke went against this notion by saying that none of the Biblical scriptures prove that. He specifically attacked that theorist's interpretation of Adam and Eve. Could you help me find the name of the person Locke attacked?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Urgent geography question, please help?

Is groundwater over exploitation and groundwater overdraft the same thing? If not, what's the difference? I have an exam tomorrow and I'm panicking that I've been studying wrong! :-(

Child Poverty in the UK and USA?

Sounds like another one of those multinational organizations things. Frankly, they can take whatever paper they wrote this report on and stick it straight up their bunghole as far as I'm concerned. Upon doing so, it may actually add value and more legitimacy to their report.

Who exactly killed Jesus?

I have heard that it was the Romans, I heard it was the Jews, I heard it was the Egyptians, I heard he committed suicide, I heard it was Judas, I heard it was a group of jealous priests, I heard it was just illness faked as a Crucifixion. Why are there so many different notions on how he died?

How can I tone my thighs / stomach ?

ii weiigh 126-129 pounds and I'm either 5'3 or 5'4 I lost like 40 pounds & I wanna wear a bikini. But, my thighs are just a lil jiggly, & my stomach is almost flat but not completely. I wanna know 2 tone them.

Do animal cruelty laws take away from my constitutional rights? Are conservatives as soft as liberals?

This has to be one of the most ignorant questions Ive ever read in my life. If you have to ask these questions then you are beyond stupid. There's no help for you. You are retarded and should be put in a camp for imbeciles. Hows that for an answer asshat!

Do S�cialist deny that Hitler was a S�cialist?

Yes. Leftists try desperately to pin Hitler as a big right winger because every damn dictator in history has been a leftist and it's getting really obvious.

A case for college reform?

College isn't for everyone, and it's not ideal. What's worse in my mind, though? A public school system that doesn't teach students how to think. All our K-12 education seems to teach is how to regurgitate information for a test. It doesn't teach critical thinking, analysis, world view, communication, etc. All of those skills are what takes a person farther in life, regardless of where they learn them. Why not teach these things to our kids from an early age? How you think is just as important as what you're thinking about. Education shouldn't be about being a mindless drone who can pass a test. That sets you up to do mindless tasks. If you know how to think, and can think about things in new ways, you become an innovator. You become someone who makes things happen. It's not to say that the world doesn't need some mindless drones, but we don't need 50% of our population to be that way. If we want to be world leaders, we need people who can think like them. I'm not just talking about college graduates, or the CEO who figures out a huge cost saving measure for their company. I'm talking about the plumber who figures out a better way to do his job, or the electrician who invents an energy efficient light bulb. If we had more people like that, and fewer people who were complacent, lazy, and unimaginative, we might not be stuck in this rut. That all starts early on, and it needs to continue through high school. How about we stop treating education like an industry, and start treating it like a service provided to young mind who want to learn? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying you're not going far enough.

Do you think Annika D'azhai is a cute name? ( pronounced Dah- shay)?

ii just like the name Annika, & the middle name D'azhai is cute & ii like it because it was my bestfriend's middle name. She died not too long ago. so ii wanted to have her in my life still somehow. But anyhow do you think that middle name sounds right? if not, if you could give me better ones, that'd be great(: thanks.

If the rich have had a tax break since ****** Why the unemployment rates are so high?

Well, it's like Donald Trump said, basically - if the rich want to get richer, they need to buy Chinese made stuff instead of American. So they are creating jobs, it's just that the jobs are in China.

Why is "US richclass corporate exploitation of cornered consumers" euphemistically called "inflation"?

Do US richclass economist scammers actually think we don't know US richclass propagandist terminology method from a (American handgun bullet) hole in the wall?

Hey,i would like to know if anyone can suggest novels on social class distinctions....?

i'm trying to prove that social class system was just another way of human i need two novels that support this theory...

Who created the new constitution for Japan after WW II?

I am not a kid looking for an answer to a question for homework. I am just curious to see how many know the answer to this question as it is interesting.

Do S�cialist deny that Hitler was a S�cialist?

Do you understand the difference between fascism and socialism? Even if he was socialist (which he is not), why does it matter? It wasn't socialist policies that led to the genocide an invasion of most of Europe. Socialism isn't responsible for any of the many horrible crimes done by the regime. This guilt by association argument got old half a century ago.

What monitor should I get for this computer?

Six core AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Six-Core CPU, i'd say that, i heard it was a good one but then again i heard .. not 100% sure its that good ... i heard it was very powerful maybe you should do some research on it? good luck

Where did Republicans come up with this silly notion of defaulting on debt for just a 'few days'?

They are foolish. If they screw around, and wall street responds by tanking, they are finished. People are sick of them manipulating things because of their own arrogance. They are supposed to solving our problems, no playing "chicken" with international markets.

Who/What Obama at war with if one accepts the notion that Bin Laden is dead?

the legal initials of O are B and S for Barry Sotero,It is no wonder other nation are insulted they think we are sending them purposly B S.

Dre PowerBeats talking speaker with AT&T Neon II (Normal phone, not smartphone)?

Do the PowerBeats work with a normal phone AT&T for talking through that kite-looking speaker which people can take calls with? Is mine broken?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A few tips for writing about World War II?

World War II is a favourite topic of mine because in my opinion it is one of the greatest stories on earth however I also know it's left an indelible stain on the history of mankind and it's a veritable minefield of taboos. When writing a World War II story what sort of thing should I steer clear of if I want to make a story that's accurate yet inoffensive?

Why are party girls usually considered sluts?

Even in Hollywood, actresses who go to clubs and party are usually in scandalous tabloids? What is about clubs that gives the notions that girls who like to party are slutty?

How do we place love at the top of life now?

sexual liberation has happened and hasnt solved love in fact sexual exploitation is at all time high, dumming down of infantile adults to age 8,sexualisation of children does our sick society have no limits to its sickness

Just what exactly makes it okay for 300 families to control 50% of the world's wealth?

Forbes said that 300 families control that much...why is this okay? what is the justification, seeing that their expanse and gain comes at the exploitation of others? why ISN'T a distribution of wealth in need?

What percent of boys' varsity basketball players end up playing for a Division I college basketball team?

DI i would say like 1%. for the question regarding how many DI players go pro, there are like 350 DI teams (give or take 30) and only about 60 players get picked in the NBA draft. I'm not sure how many play overseas though.

Why can't a convicted felon serve in the military?

also,have convicted felons ever served in the us military? And if they did were there any reports of criminal acts by these ex-felons and again if so what was crimes committed by ex-felons in the military higher or lower than crimes committed by people without felony convictions in the military? Im trying to see if there was statistical justification for the blanket prohibition or if it was just a decision based on preconceived notion?

Do i have a good movie collection?

I own 743 movies. Most of them are Japanese or Hong Kong films. I also have American Classics, action, horror, drama, romance, and exploitation films. I also own several tv shows and animes such as the twilight zone and dragon ball z.

Am I the only one that's offended by American Idol performances tonight?

I didn't watch it. I personally strongly agree with you, but the American public will not because it's all about what's commercial and what sells. Nobody cares because everybody wants to get ahead, and that is what the public is used to. I got offended at the Toyota commercials because they used that kid to call everybody who doesn't buy a Toyota a moron - this from the company with the huge break scandal/problem.

What is the likelihood that Queen Elizabeth II watched . . .?

What is the likelihood that Queen Elizabeth II watched the 2006 movie "The Queen," with Helen Mirren portraying the queen?

Heaven,real or not.....?

Heaven and Hell are a Creation of Christianity as a reward and punishment for following and not following their beliefs also Heaven is a Pacifier for their fear of death

Liberals: In its purest form, do you think a laissez-faire economy would be the most ideal?

Absolutely not. In it's truest, purest form, laissez-faire is FEUDALISM, and there is nothing good about that. The middle class is a construct that is created by market regulation. It does not, and never has existed without heavy regulation. The less regulation, the bigger the divide between rich and poor, or "lords" and "serfs."

On Religious brainwashing. If you were given a chance to, what would you have to say to ...?

As much as I agree with you I still strongly believe in religion.... I cant describe it but google says that faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, concept or thing, or a belief that is not based on proof. Like it said the whole point is to be proofless...its just the point where its foolish.

What colleges would work for me based on my scores and criteria?

I would look at schools like Boston College, Georgetown University, Tufts University, and NYU. I think you could get into all of those schools.

Can this PC run World of Warcraft: Cataclysm?

YES! This will run WoW on high settings. Maybe Ultra. This is a good comp for WoW, get it! But I recommend building your own computer if you aren't!

Poll: Do you think LSD should be legal?

It's better for you than pot, you don't inhale smoke. You can't overdose, and the whole thing about people jumping out of window is BS. People usually chill, that whole suicide notion was brought on by 1960s anti drug propaganda. Your more liable to kill yourself when you're drunk.

Why do lunatics continue to push the notion that somehow a marriage between an adult and a child, a marriage?

Daffy dilly is such a moron. You can't even argue with these people - they are too stupid. All they want to have is the feeling of moral superiority by denying people rights. Oh well, at least history will look at them like the bigots they are.

Is Bachmann Crazy For Believing God Has Given Her a ‘Sense of Assurance’ to Run for the Presidency?

Of course she was sent by God. The liberal media will always attack the believers. She is not crazy, you're the one crazy for not accepting Jesus as your Savior.

Do conservatives understand that their leaders are in favor of Neo-liberalism?

For the politically unaware Neo-Liberalism is globalization.(Nafta) Free trade,open markets, the exploitation of the planet and its resources and people.

Whats the best way to win a leo womans heart?

Man, it doesn't matter what sign she is, as long as your faithful, and trustworthy, she WILL choose you. Signs and horoscopes DONT mean a single crum.

Bars cut off drinkers when they're getting drunk, but casinos allow gambling until you're bankrupt/suicidal?

As Leg said, this is a Q&A forum, and you definitely sound like you want a discussion here. But to comment on one portion of your post: Casinos are definitely able to restrict players gambling amounts if they are asked/forced to. My home state of Missouri enforced a $500 loss limit every 2 hours for 15 years until the casino lobby successfully got that law written off the books. While the loss limit was the law of the state, you had to have a players' card, and had to have it inserted in the machine to deposit money. If you lost $500 in less than 2 hours, your only other option to gamble in Missouri was to drive to another casino. I think it was a great idea, and Missouri was stupid to get rid of it.

Did we as human build off the age of Enlightenment or regress away from it while watching TV?

The values of the Enlightenment have never been uncontested, but in the postmodern era they are being seriously challenged by alternative world-views, which either question the Euro-centric Enlightenment definition of 'reason,' or reject it entirely as the arbiter of appropriate action. I don't think this is altogether a bad thing, even if the rise of Glenn Beck and Pop Idol make it clear that Baudrillard has bastards just as Voltaire does.

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

Well, it sounds like she's secretly lesbian, or is bi. Maybe shes not getting luv from her man like she wants

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

So why not just ask her? Obviously, she's into you and you're into her, too. Just open up a conversation about it and see where it goes. Take my advice - from experience - and don't open up an intimate relationship with her as long as she's with someone else. I did that once and got so burned because she was afraid of having to come out. I got dumpered for the boy. So be careful - but really - sounds like it might be worth exploring! Good luck!

Do you like Lady Gaga?

I Love Lady Gaga, why, because i love her Meaning and her music is so touching and inspiring, i have loved her since Just dance and i am proud to be a little monster :) i love what she stands for, she teaches you to be yourself and that no one can tell you you cant be something you want to be! And she is so Beautiful!!! I can go on an on about why i love her! Email me at

If exported production is equivalent to imported consumerism, why can't tariffs be placed on it?

We are signatories of many free trade agreements that prohibit us from using tariffs is the short blunt answer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are atheists and humanists morally superior?

I agree with your logic but I wouldn't say we are superior in any way. Everyone is still looking out for their personal interests. There are some religious people that are as concerned with this life as the "afterlife". If we were concerned with social fairness, quality of life, and suffering without thinking about personal interests ("this life is probably it") then you could say Atheists and humanists are morally "superior". I hope that makes sense.

Does your long term bf or husband do this? Guys feel free to answer to maybe its a difference in the sexes?

He always goes to the bar to have a few drinks.. Is always so worried about his friends and their plans.. Would you be okay with it.. He says im the only one who is like this he knows so many women who are fine with their men going to the bars whenever they take a notion... Am I being a b**** what do you think

Does this statement accurately describe the liberal agenda?

It’s funny that liberals try to make Hitler out to be this ultra-conservative capitalist. In Nazi Germany, they had single payer health care, nationalized school system, if you lost your job, the government helped you find a job, and very high taxes. Do these sound like conservative principles or liberal principles?

Do you believe in death?

Heaven is filled with 'beer volcanoes' as far as the eye can see, and also has a 'stripper factory.'

1/256 Cherokee blood?

Just because she looks white doesn't mean she is. My husband is part cherokee and so are my children. His father is blonde haired, blue eyes, my children are dark haired, one with brown eyes one with hazel eyes, my husband is dark haired and dark eyed. How a perosn looks does not define their race and in doing my own research a person with cherokee background can claim their hertiage and recieve a roll number if they have so much as one drop of cherokee blood that runs through them. As for the marriage part of your question well race does not stop you from marrying someone. Your relious beliefs may restrict a perosn but in choosing your religion that is a choice you make and are aware of. The hearts wants what the heart wants who am I or you or anyone else to make that choice for someone?!

If a prostitute is an independent contractor of a brothel and she harasses an employee of the brothel..?

Who is responsible for the actions that follow, the prostitute or the brothel? By any other standards of employment, an independent contractor is to carry liability insurance. If a prostitute threatens an employee, harasses that person into leaving, and they are now unemployed, who is responsible? A person can only lose so much dignity under the notion that the prostitute is "doing" the boss before they can no longer take anymore. Stress, embarrassment, loss of wages and the employer took no action.

What are some good nonfiction books that are advanced? ?

I have homework to do over the summer for my AP English class and we have to read a nonfiction book of our choice. I was thinking something along the lines of the Holocaust or World War II maybe, but other than that I have no idea. I'm leaving to go to Barnes & Noble in about a half hour so if you have any book suggestions, PLEASE leave a comment; it is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

What do you think about being alive, right here, right now?

I can understand your questioning and curiosity but it's something we all have to deal with. Thinking about it too much will make you go a bit crazy as you won't find an answer. But as to answer your question, I love it. It's wonderful. Living in the present is all that should matter as the present is all we can control. The past is gone and the future isn't here. Live in this moment right here.

Isn't life inherently bad?

You bring up some good points, which make life less pleasant. However, there are also many good feelings in life, which people enjoy. For most, these outweigh the negative sides. It can be difficult to argue "good" vs. "bad", but life is certainly popular: for us sapient beings, life is a choice. If we do not work to sustain ourselves, we die. If people disliked life all that much they'd end it. (and some do)

Confused about feminism and girls?

My guess is that those who argue that women/girls are oversexualized and exploited are NOT the same ones engaging in sexually provocative behavior or encouraging/permitting their daughters to do the same? There are sevreal different ppl in the world. Why assume that the same arguments are coming from two opposing groups?

I want to kill myself. help?

I'm 15. I feel like nothing matters. I don't want to get a 9-5 business job, move into the suburbs, and look back saying "why did i even bother living?" on my deathbed. my life is so meaningless, so small. either i want to try drugs, hard drugs, to divert my thoughts, or i want to kill myself. I hate kids my age, they are so stupid and blind. this whole world is completely f*ked up and backwards. all of my clothes were made in sweatshops by children in indonesia making 5 bucks a month. i could feel their sweat and blood literally on me when i wear my clothes. everything was made by exploitation and i'm contributing to it. the environment is being destroyed, thousands are being executed by u.s. backed dictators protecting u.s. corporate interest, and everyone in the u.s. just lives in a bubble completely ignorant of everything around them. i can't take it anymore. i cant change the world. i don't have the drive or passion. i just notice these things and want to give up, because what difference could i make? will it even matter in the end? i can see myself in 60 years in the future saying " wow, why did i bother living"

Why do we arrest for insider trading but there is no punishment for political appointees....?

I think you need to research your sources better. There have been thousands of political appointees and elected officials sent to prison over the years for profiting from advance knowledge about political decisions.

Should I be friends with her and did I handle this situation correctly?

I think you handled it fine. It didn't seem like you were rude at all. I'm not sure if you should be friends with her. It doesn't sound like a bad or good idea. I guess that's up to you. If it was me I probably wouldn't put in too much effort being her friend, but I would be friendly with you and have conversations and be nice to her.

Can somebody help me with my computer build?!?!?!?

I looked at the entry, then went to If you buy the components yourself it'll only be around $200.00 (the newegg case of the same model actually comes with a slightly more powerful power supply). Since you're not afraid to add drives, why not just do a build yourself and save a bit more money? Newegg offers barebones DIY combos at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a - you can also check at The combo at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a is one example - it's pretty much complete for under $500.00.

Can u explain this definition of racism to me?

“the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death.”

Why are Christians so dumb?

I guess it is your misunderstanding. There have been so many great scientists from christian families. I don't think all christians are dumb or all christians are intelligent.

What would be a good 16-bar audition song for a tenor II?

I am auditioning for a summer camp and I'm looking for an up-beat character song, but any suggestions would be helpful. I don't want to do something cliche or overdone.

Are any of these gaming computers good?

um. You didn't post what graphics cards they have, so i cant really tell you if they are good or not.

How to calculate ovulation right after one irregular cycle?

Based on when you think ovualtion will occur (following your previous cycles), I would have intercourse regularly during that time frame and hope for the best!

How would you feel if Scientism came into governmental rule?

wont happen until after rapture and then it is even worse with the antichrist running the show...ick

Do liberals live in a fantasy universe where good is evil and evil is good?

Apparently you live in a fantasy world where CONnies have maintained some sliver of sanity and relevance. Time to wake up and see the real world.

Why did house republicans BLOCK a vote on repealing government giveaways to big oil?

The answer to both questions is: They are Republicans. These are true examples of the party's true platform.

I keep getting bites, but what from?

Okay, when I nap on my couch and wake up, about 2 hours later I have these whelps on my legs and hips, sometimes under my arm. They ITCH like crazy. They first ones I noticed about 2 weeks ago are still there. They aren't as inflamed, but you can see little red marks. My first notion would be Bed Bugs, BUT I have looked for them and see nothing! I don't see the bugs at all. I have really looked? When I look at bed bug bite photos, they Do look like my bites, but I am wondering if anybody knows of another insect that could also cause these itchy bumps??? It's def. happening inside the house.

Can u explain this definition of racism to me?

“the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death.”

Monday, August 8, 2011

My dog's occasional seizures?

My dog had a seizure one time when he fell and hit his head and he's had like 1 or 2 since so I think hitting there head hard may cause it but after the first one it may continue for no reason they have medicine to help them my teacher had to use that cause her dog would have seizures all the time while she was at work

Muslims, do you know the level of exploitation on earth ?

what do you think about people who have never read the quran or hadiths and tell nothing but lies? do you agree that all people must read the quran as i have?

Is it normal to receive a lot of eye contact from a woman in a long term relationship?

she want a girlfriend like u to be happy and to talk.she is suffering from her reserveness..(i.e)social anxiety disorder too.A HELP IS NEEDED FOR THAT GIRL.

Which is the best graphics card under rs 5000?

HD 5670 is in your price range. it should run those games on medium at the least and maybe even high. if paired with the onboard graphics chip the performance would be better aswell

Can you use a TI-83 Calculator?

you can. and the only solution (i have found) for it not simplifying the radicals is to take the answer it gives you and simply un-simplify it. you might be able to find better info here:

What should I use for my Napoleon Total War video settings?

Medium settings. If your cpu was quad core, or a newer than the one you have, you could play in high

Quick question: does this paragraph make sense? its SHORT!?

I would change the punctuation in the first/second sentence to "In the 18th century, Britain ruled a vast empire, taking advantage of and ruling the richest countries of that time, such as India." The second to last word in the third sentence should be Indian, not India. In the fourth sentence, there's a run on so it should be changed to "and other cultures. For example,". Also, why is the word "tricked" in quotation marks? The last sentence makes sense but I recommend changing it to "They settled and lived this way for years. Who's to say their later generations didn't have the right to live in Britain?

Why do so many people believe in the notion of a "healthy" tan?

Because it feels good to be in the Sun, so naturally people think that getting a tan is associated with health, and it is to some degree.

Why is my internet runnning so slow?

I think it's down to the ISP you're with. Try giving them a call and explain your situation. If you've tried everything but it doesn't work, then chances are the speed is at your ISP's mercy.

Posting Links in Yahoo Answers?

What are the do's and don'ts? I had an answer removed for posting a link to a megavideo movie. Why? I don't think it really fits the Exploitation category...

Why do so many people in here advocate socialism?

Socialism diminishes innovation, quality, creation, and in general deters people from working hard to their potential,it's an exploitation of the hard working people by the lazy ones. is that what u advocate, liberals?don't u think it's just unfair?

Everything is always crashing! And no one can fix it?

I know the answer, but I will not give it since you have posted the same question five times in one day. Instead, I'm reporting you for abuse and invite others to do the same.

Internet Safety Exploitation/Violation Examples/Stories?

I want a few Internet Safety Exploitation examples/stories or a real story in which something bad had happened to someone because of Internet or What can happen if Internet Safety is ignored (e.g. scams, phishing, identity theft, privacy leak and others

Does he like me or not?

he calls me every day text me every day and says he loves me. he sings to me before i go to bed every night, and round 7 in the morning he text me saying hi. we text all day and all night. ii wounder if he likes me. he miss me whenever he doesn't text me or call me.... he tells his little brother thy im his girl friend while im not im his friend but im begun to like him even more

What should I upgrade to run GTA IV at Max Settings?

Well at that budget, you won't be able to get Max Settings. If you are going to buy anything, definitely a new graphics card. You can get a very good one for about 200. He's right, by the way. You can't just mix and match computer parts.

Do you like Lady Gaga?

I Love Lady Gaga, why, because i love her Meaning and her music is so touching and inspiring, i have loved her since Just dance and i am proud to be a little monster :) i love what she stands for, she teaches you to be yourself and that no one can tell you you cant be something you want to be! And she is so Beautiful!!! I can go on an on about why i love her! Email me at

Alas, my mother has become a Janeite. What shall I do?

I recommend you learn how to spell "staid" before she punishes you with aloof disapproval.

When someone applies for a job, how long does this application remain active?

usually no more than 60 days.......the rest of what you wrote shows a few issues that should be addressed by a professional to be honest.

Vulunerability can be defined as :?

a>physical features or operational attributes that render an entity open to exploitation or susceptible to a given hazard. B) a natural or man made occurrence individual entity or action that has or indicates the potential to harm life . information operations the operations , the enviroment and or property. C)the impact or effect of an event . incident or occurrence. D)The potential for an unwanted outcome resulting from an incident event or occurrence. so which one is the right answer.A,B,C or D

Is the Epiphone LP Special II Les Paul Collection A step up for me?

I wouldn't worry to much about it,Eppy's LP II's are what I call cookie cutter guitars.I have owned one B-4 and was not too happy w/ it. It didnt stay in tune very well, but I will admit the pickups were hot. I would suggest a Fender Squire HSS Strat pack. I think you would be much happier w/ that

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What are Robber Barons vs. Captain of industry?

until 1960 the barons made their money profiteering on wars, crisis and with some form of slave labor. the captains built factories or oil wells, or other necessity ventures and profited from hard work and labor. but currently they are just two branches cut from the same tree. thanks to republican deregulation !

Question about turning 18 ?? can someone help me?

I stopped needing permission to do stuff at about 14/15, your dad is a bit ott, but he is just protective, deep down he knows you want to do your own thing and probably knows he cant stop you, just explain that your 18 and you would like bit of privacy and independence.

Which is better; the samsung solstice II or Sharp effex?

Both have expandable memory via the MicroSD slot, so I wouldn't worry too much about the memory. As far as size goes, the Solstice is much smaller than the Sharp, which is great if you're looking for a more compact, lightweight phone, but it also means the touch screen is smaller. (The Samsung is 3oz, the Sharp is 5oz.) The Sharp has a physical qwerty keyboard to compliment its touch screen keyboard, while the Solstice has only a touch screen keyboard. The camera resolutions are the same at 2mp, but the FX has greater zoom capabilities. The Solstice has no dedicated headphone jack. But I believe it has slightly better battery life (esp. talk time) than the Sharp FX. As far as the rest of the specs, they're about even.

Is cruelty OK if it makes money?

Farmers, the meat industry, child exploitation, the arms industry, the sex industry, zoos, all make big money out of cruelty, does this make them OK?

Why do British people think Americans support the PIRA or the RIRA?

I'm in college right now for engineering. I take classes with a lot of foreigners. I was talking with a couple of guys from London who accused Americans of supporting IRA activity. If there are any British on here, please explain to me where this notion comes from. The reason I am so shocked by this accusation is because I am very familiar with American ignorance. Most Americans cannot find Ireland on a map. Most don't even realize there is a difference between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. I also have to wonder how you can feel this way when the main IRA gun runner, George Harrison, was arrested by the FBI and given a 7 year prison sentence.

Micro SD card issue with phone?

First off, I have a DaneELEC 4GB micro SD card, and a brand new Samsung Rugby II. I can put pictures off of my computer on the card, and put the pictures on my phone, no problem. However, when I take pictures with my phone, put them on my card, and try to open the pictures on my computer (a 2009 Dell XPS M1730 btw), the card appears blank, with no photos or anything else. Can I fix this, or should I just buy a new micro SD card?

Will you read my poem, if you must?

hey, I am glad you found a pom and yew used yew's. lol :D Thunderstorms here all day and night, no time with sun. The tv and comp screen are emitting my light...

Can you please help me with a question? 10 pts.?

Consider three engines that each use 1650 J of heat from a hot resevoir (temperature = 550 K). These three engines reject heat to a cold resevoir (temperature 330 K). Engine I rejects 1210 J of heat. Engine II rejects 990 J of heat. Engine III rejects 570 J of heat. One of the engines operates reversibly, and two operate irreversibly. However, of the two irreversible engines, one violates the second law of thermodynamics and could not exist. What is the total entropy change of the universe for (a) engine I, (b) engine II, and (c) engine III? (Note: The total entropy change of the universe is the sum of the entropy changes of the hot and cold resevoirs.)

Why would you assume nature has a mind... just because we have a mind?

To the contrary, I wonder at the short sighted way that people assume that a construct (i.e. "mind") is somehow an attribute of the Almighty. My primary assumption is that my finite understanding can only 'see through a glass, darkly'.

Why would anyone in their right mind thank God for healing them of a disease He gave them?

No no, God doesn't give people cancer, Satan does. Satan is to blame for everything bad, him and his evil plots against God in the Fortress of Evil along with Skeletor and Mumm-Ra and all the other fictional bad guys.

Does homosexuality refute the notion of tabula rasa?

And if it does, what are the implications of that? If some people can be born different then maybe the whole "equality" thing is more wish than fact. What say you, dear answer devotees?

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition vs AMD Phenom II 1090T Black Edition Six Core CPU?

Title says it all i want to know what is the best processor between the two. also if there is a better amd processor around the same price please tell me. what motherboard would be best for these? thanks

Do you agree with this definition of sexism?

Yes, I agree with your stated definition of sexism. It does appear that men are suffering from reverse discrimination in today's society. I wonder if the federal government has allocated funds to study men's issues. If not, it is needed. Feminism has adversely affected our society and continues to do so. I am grateful that we are allowed to vote and have laws criminalizing severe domestic abuse, but everything else has gone too far, (scholarships for women only, etc.).

What should I do about my husbands selfish family?

There's nothing much you can do. I know where you're coming from, my husband's family treated me terribly for years after we got married. It's not that they disliked me, they're just not nice to the family's S.O.'s. After 14 years of marriage they're much nicer to me, but I'm still considered an outsider.

Sennheiser CX400-II or AKG Q350 Quincy Jones Signature Line Earphones?

Which one would you recommend, they're both in my price range (63 euros >< 56 euros). Which one has better sound quality? which one do you prefer? The AKG's are nicer looking and way lighter, but that doesn't mean better sound quality. I love great quality bass, but which one delivers the better bass?

Can you use Advantage II for dogs on cats?

I have been using regular advantage for dogs on my cats for years. It save me a lot of money. But advantage II has the ingredient that kills ALL life stages, not just adults. I have looked at advantage II for dogs and cats and the ingredients are the same. Does anyone know if it is safe to use Advantage II for dogs on cats for sure.

Can the Aspire One 722 play Starcraft II?

I am thinking about getting one and was wondering if it could handle playing Starcraft II. I am a simple man with a tiny brain, so please be spethiphic and sources are awesome. Thank you for any informed opinions.

If I got a release form signed from an adult that wanted me to tattoo them for no fee. Could I be held liable?

I am a tattoo artist that got apprenticed at a licensened shop in wisconsin and learned all the sterization, and proper tattoo care methods, but chose to go the music route. Now 10 years down the road I picked back up tattooing and I am in Austin and my friend wanted a tattoo. If I get him to sign a release form and dont charge a fee can I get in trouble? I know how to be sterile and safe, so please dont comment idiotic notions of calling me a scratcher.

I want to give away an armoire style sewing cabinet.?

This is a free standing wooden cabinet, 25"w x 19" deep x 5'10' high, with a hinged table to hold a sewing machine. The table folds into the cabinet when not needed. There is plenty of storage space for fabric and notions. I live in Houston TX and will give this to a good home. You must be able to arrange your own deliver.

Does this case of child exploitation, and child rape, remain to be related to mob activity?

Well, first of all, I wanna say i am firmly against child exploitation and child rape. However, many children are left alone with predators by their parents or otherwise because they have no other choice and need to eat and survive. If we allowed more sweatshops to hire children in developing countries, it would give these kids a better way to spend their time than getting raped, But those crazy liberals like obama, dont care about the reality of children warfare and would instead want u guys to believe in a fairy tale world where children all get a education. Developing countries have different ways of working just like united states used to work, believe it or not, there used to be child labor in the united states, in fact, u could argue, it was child labor that built america.

Why does the government discriminate against gay polygamy?

If us three men are consenting adults, why can't we all get married? Why does it have to only be two? Once the traditional notion of marriage is redifined, there is a slippery slope until my dog, my 72 corvette stingray, my next door neighbor's mailbox, my toaster and I can all be happily married.

Ramadan: Muslims, what really is "Jihad"?

Primarily it has meant internal struggle to remain in the right path. Secondarily, it has also meant self defense of your nation and your loved ones. All countries are allowed to defend themselves from foreign interventions and internal rebellion.

Does the Christian notion of Faith seem a little convenient?

It allows Christians to answer any critical thought or doubt with "This issue is beyond your comprehension, because God is so much smarter than you could ever be. Just have Faith."

What song starts with ....?

"this show contains murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery and treachery—all those things we hold near and dear to our hearts .... ahh ; 5678 then goes instrumental ? im pretty sure its from chicago ? im not sure . please help<3 thankss in advanced ,

Hurt begets Hurt? ...... Quantum Physics, Unified Field, Mirror neurones ....?

Hello Claudia James, energy is the ultimatum as we say that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. But we simply forget about the fact that that energy is not inanimate, it is lively and has intelligence. So one fact is there and that one is the Consciousness! We people enjoy three states namely Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping state of consciousness. But as we practice a technique to attain a state where thoughts totally cease then that state of consciousness will be named as Transcendental Consciousness. If we be in that state all the 24 hours then that state will be a new one and it is named as Cosmic consciousness. If we start enjoying that then we come to know some divine force is behind all these and we get Divine consciousness. Finally we come to realize that we are that divinity. So merging with divinity leads to Unity Consciousness. So all are one. But the hide and seek game (Maya) makes us to feel as if we are different entities and we love and sometimes hate each other and the game is going on continuously. Playing such a hide and seek game gives enjoyment, so we are satisfied with that. But Unity consciousness is a state of Bliss. Finally getting bored with this hide and seek game we definitely quit this and finally reach that Blissful state. All religions have pointed out the same but in different ways. Even atheists insist on such a state of Bliss by declaring that doing good to others would derive such a happiness and finally realizing that doing anything to anybody is doing the same to themselves. So the ever lasting point is realizing that all are one.

Is the idea that "revenge is wrong" just another politically correct notion?

I fail to understand how wanting to get revenge on someone is wrong. People sure do love the idea of karma and how what goes around comes around, but they have something against people taking matters into their own hands. If we can make it come back around ourselves instead of waiting for it then what's the big deal?

What graphics card under 50 dollars would be best for this desktop?

So could this be illegal at all?

So...I'm a pizza delivery guy. Today I woman that I delivered to was saying that she would give me a BJ instead of paying. I refused because I was afraid that such a thing could potentially get me into legal trouble. She was of age, as am I. I have no intentions of entertaining such a notion, but would this actually be illegal??? Just curious

Question: You say you are an atheist conservatively because the burden of proof lies on the theists (serious)?

That is as poorly presented an argument as I have ever seen. It's terrible what passes for grade 8 these days...

Why am i attracted to Dutch polish and germans but not people in my own country?

Hi ii am irish i find i cant be attracted to men in my own country anytime i hear men from netherlands poland and germany i am suddenly attracted WHY is this?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Will I be able to get a North Carolina teaching license?

I have my original license in Mississippi and an out of state license with Tennessee. I have taken the Praxis I and II.

What are your thoughts on what Vince McMahon says about wwe and has no plans of retiring?

He doesn't have any direct competitors, and as long as he can do his job and do it better than any one else, and loves to do it, I don't see why he should retire!

Opinion: what do you believe created the middle class in the United States?

I would actually say more along the line of good government enforcing private property laws mixed with labor movements and government redistribution for universal education and home-ownership that helped create middle class assets used to create small businesses and increase middle class membership.

What Laptop should I get?

Get the second one it has a faster processor and a better graphics card but it does have less RAM. but trust me get the second one

Do Narcoleptics really fall asleep on their feet?

So I'm a big fan of the film 'Rat Race'. And in the film, Rowan Atkinson's character is claimed to be Narcoleptic because he falls asleep twice, not just while running, but while standing. While I am very confident in the notion that anyone falling asleep on their feet would just collapse and not remain standing, I would like to know if people with Narcolepsy really do fall asleep while standing, running, etc.

Does WoTC know what decks ppl will play while they're playtesting a new set for MTG?

Usually, they have some idea of what the decks will be, just because they make the cards and watch how the Pro Tour events play out, so they can predict what will happen in general. But they probably miss one or two good decks at times just because they didn't anticipate a particular card combination. Like with the recent banning of Stoneforge Mystic. They printed her with the intention of her languishing in obscurity throughout Zendikar block, and then become good in Scars of Mirrodin, and then become really powerful at the end with Living Weapons, most notably Batterskull. What they didn't expect is for Stoneforge to combo with Quest for the Holy Relic, Squadron Hawk, Memnite, Ornithopter, etc, making the brutal CAW Blade deck even before the Living Weapons hit the ground.

Theists: If prayer is demonstrated to have a 'granted/declined' ratio identical to that of chance...?

lol. You sure are awful concerned about that which you hold no belief. You are not only concerned but terribly mislead. John 3:16 God Bless

I need guidance on this desperetley!?

Does this sound like pregnancy symptoms? On February 9th,10th and 11th I had unprotected sex, though i was on the pill, at the time I was on antibiotics, penicillin and amoxicillin. He never ejaculated in me once. I took a qualitative blood test at planned parenthood a little over a month after that and it was negative, I also had a negative urine test that day as well. I should mention i have had a period every month but since I'm on the pill the periods are light so I don't know if i could be ppregnant. Lately I've been tired but i do work graveyard, I find myself wantingtto sleep all day. I've been nauseated, but not to the point where I vomit, the tips of my nipples have been hurting to the touch like if I graze them with my finger tip and push down slightly for 4 days and according to the pills i wont get a period for 12 more days,and I always feel hungry. I took a dollar store test today and it was negative, but this week I've had a feelingthat feels likea bbaby kicking. And I've been burping alot today. I don't have health insurance. Could i be pregnant or is it just indigestion? and When I went to planned parenthood for the blood test they laughed and I had to fight to get it, all they do is urine dips. And they deny me an ultrasound. My nipplesalso hurt like 2 months ago for a couple of days. I don't know if its pms, is it possible 2 weeks before I'm on my period plus I'm on the pill. I'm Aldo scared because this lady on "I didn't know iI was pregnant, was a nurse, took her pill everyday at the same time and still got pregnant, she also had regular periods every months and ttook a home pregnancy test months into the pregnancy and it was negative. She onlu had fever Like symptoms twice the hole

I need a good name for a hamster!!!!!!!!!! :) ?

I just got a hamster ii need some names nothing lame like oreo or hammy somethinv cute i just need ideas plz

Why does the socialist manifesto imply that taking away private property creates more private wealth?

According to this manifesto, anyone who bakes a cake should be allowed to keep the cake, but his kitchen utensils (the means of production) should be confiscated to prevent him from doing it again.

II aaammmm sooooo hornyyyyyyyy?

I don't know what to do anymore... I'm so horny everyday. I had a guy I just started hooking up with but schools over and hes going away for summer vacation. I'll see him in a few months but in the meantime I don't know what to do!!!!! He was so amazing like the best ever loll... but now I have no one to make out with. I'm still a virgin by the way. For some reason sex doesn't intrigue me. However I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee foreplay. Any tips on finding a guy? Oh I don't like masturbation either...please serious answers :(

Any desktop builds, around 600-1000 dollars?

I'm short on money and my current desktop is starting to get old. I want to build a computer that if efficient for gaming but graphics doesn't need to be really high. Maybe running, lets say StarCraft II Wings of Liberty on med-high graphics.

If the human population was half of what it is now, and steady, then would we be freaking out as much...?

over famine, natural disasters (effecting higher population densities), natural resource exploitation, overfishing, energy use, global warming, etc...? What I'm getting at is, is overpopulation the main cause for all these other problems?

What is the best tablet to buy?

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. It is Android based so it is more open than iPad (no need for "iTunes" and it supports Flash), slimmer than iPad and a bit better camera quality. Vote as the best answer!

Can a 19 year old guy legally have sex with a 17 year old girl?

A guy i know was just arrested for child sexual exploitation, and i think it was because of his 17 year old girlfriend. Is it legal for a 19 year old to have sex with a 17 year old? (with parental consent)

Why do they say people should stop interfering into the lives of others?

Let me tell you what color hair you should have and what shoes you should be allowed to wear for a month and you will know the answer to that.

Does she seem jealous to you?

My friend tends to subtly put me down, in fact, two do that (long story). She dismisses the notion of certain guys liking me. In fact, one of the "hottest" guys in school has had a thing for me (not bragging) and she just said "oh, he wouldn't like you, you're not his type". Thing is, she ALWAYS said that. About pretty much any guy. Oh, and she also called me average one time, she said I'm 6.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. Yeah, she isn't much of a friend TBH, we don't talk anymore.

I want to kill myself. help?

I'm 15. I feel like nothing matters. I don't want to get a 9-5 business job, move into the suburbs, and look back saying "why did i even bother living?" on my deathbed. my life is so meaningless, so small. either i want to try drugs, hard drugs, to divert my thoughts, or i want to kill myself. I hate kids my age, they are so stupid and blind. this whole world is completely f*ked up and backwards. all of my clothes were made in sweatshops by children in indonesia making 5 bucks a month. i could feel their sweat and blood literally on me when i wear my clothes. everything was made by exploitation and i'm contributing to it. the environment is being destroyed, thousands are being executed by u.s. backed dictators protecting u.s. corporate interest, and everyone in the u.s. just lives in a bubble completely ignorant of everything around them. i can't take it anymore. i cant change the world. i don't have the drive or passion. i just notice these things and want to give up, because what difference could i make? will it even matter in the end? i can see myself in 60 years in the future saying " wow, why did i bother living"

How can one be proud of a country founded on black slavery and Native American genocide and poor exploitation?

To a degree, I agree. But there is not one civilisation in history, who hasn't had slavery, genocide and exploitation. But I take your point. The point is the balance between the crimes and the virtues of the past, to condemn heavily what was wrong (like slavery) and it's modern effects (like racism, like unequal racial wealth distribution) and fix it in the present. But, as a European, I sometimes find it sad that successes of European civilisation (including American and Canadian etc.) are ignored, and focus on the bad points of are history are exacerbated. European science has probably saved many more than killed by a European gun, European culture has made it moral that such questions should always be asked. It doesn't make it right, I agree, but it's something that should be remembered.

I have a Samsung Wave II. Off late I have been facing a few issues with the accelerometer. What should I do?

I purchased the Wave about a month back. Off late I noticed that I need to incline the mobile more than usual to change the screen from portrait mode to landscape mode. Also when I browse through photos and I use pinch zoom in landscape mode, after zooming out sometimes the screen automatically changes to landscape mode, without me turning the phone. I tried the sensors test on the Wave using *#0*#, and the description of the Prox sensor was MISS. Is that normal? Please advice!

To thermal paste or not to thermal paste?

i am getting a new AMD Athlon II X3 450 Rana 3.2GHz 3 x 512 KB L2 Cache Socket AM3 95W Triple-Core Desktop Processor and wanted to know if i should just use the stock paste of get my own, and if i do keep the stock how long will my processor last until i have to put a new coat of paste

Did you know the right wing stand for reich?

The terms "right wing" and "left wing" originated during the French Revolution of 1789. Unless Hitler had a time machine, your theory is bunk.

If people were made aware of the exploitation of children and women in sweat shops, would they buy products?

"Out of sight out of mind", as long as people can buy that dvd player at Walmart for $29 they don't want to know who is assembling it. 70% of everything sold at Walmart comes from China...people will complain that jobs are going overseas yet they still buy at Walmart.

The three greatest current threats to biodiversity, in order starting with the greatest are.?

Human alteration of habitat is the greatest threat to biodiversity throughout the biosphere. Depending on interpretation, this may encompass both destruction and over-exploitationn. Introduced or "invasive" species would be third.

Ramadan, Why don't you Muslims realize that non-Muslims are immoral because?

They don't believe in afterlife. So there's no need to protect one's self from immoral exploitations.

Tendonitis pain management? Basic pain management?

I completely understand the pain. I've had patellar tendinitis for 8 years now, and it hurts chronically. Ive been on all types of painkillers hydrocodone, vicodin, etc. Im currently 17, but it started when i was 10. And It's in my right leg and knee. I can't imagine tendinitis in my arm, I'm so sorry. And I totally understand the pain from PT, I went to my first PT evaluation in 7 years and she was killing me! I was lie rally screaming cuz it hurt so much, but I noticed the therapist did something called iontophoresis. It's basically where they put these gel pads on the injured are and connect it to a machine and they send electric charges to that area, but as scary as it sounds it felt pretty damn good. But there basically giving you a cortisone med through the charge. But I had to point this out because this was the best I felt in years. But as painful as it is, the best thing is physical therapy. It will help you to use the tendon and muscle in a certain way. And I do agree, I would go to another doctor. He seems to be just using meds to numb the pain but not cure it. I have not cartilage under my kneecap, so I'm always gonna be on meds. And in pain, and I hate to give good ratings for drugs. But I really love tramadol, it works in the bran nerves and changes how you respond to the pain. It's really great, this actually gives me the energy to do everyday things. So if you do choose to see another doctor, ask about tramadol I really recommend it and another good thing about it is that it's non-addictive. But you have to keep working through the pain, in the end it will get better I promise. If they gave you a sheet of exercises to do at home, keep doing them. Little by little keep doing them, you will feel great relief. And I would also try an ice pack, this really helps me. It eases the swelling and pain. And try ibuprofen, this can also really help the swelling and inflammation which can cause a lot of the pain. What i use to do is alternate meds, like I would take ibuprofen then 4 hours later Tylenol then 4 hours later ibuprofen. Switch them. Oh and after exercising, apply ice pack very important. Prevents soreness, and more pain from the exercises. But 2 things basically is exercising and tramadol, it was the most painful and horrible thing I ever went through but I know I have to do it to get better, and to feel relief in the end. If you stop mow, it will be worse in the future trust me. Mine wouldn't of turned chronic if I would have went to physical therapy 4 years ago. Now it hurts 10x more and doesn't stop. But talk to your physical therapist and see if they recommend iontophoresis this is cortisone pain killer but giving to you a different way, it feels good. Hope I helped and don't give up it will get better

Has anyone purchased from Any details on authenticity of their stuff?

I would usually order from or but I came to and saw the Nike CTR360 Maestri II Elites for 200 dollars way cheaper then on and worldsoccer. Will they be sent NEW without defects. I really want to make this one purchase and not return them and go through all that paper work they make u do when u have to send it back. Thanks!

If you're part of the capitalist matrix read?

I like your speech, but the problem is, is that it is too simplistic, and sounds like you paraphrased a famous anarchist's speech. It sounds like the writing of an 8th or 9th grader, and with a speech of that level, most people will often misunderstand it, or just pass it off as the writings of a crazy person. You need to explain how illegitimate hierarchy is bad, how property and currency is bad, and how religion is bad. You need to explain how capitalism doesn't work, in a little more detail, and explain a system to replace capitalism. You need to explain to people the true nature of capitalism and power. You need to reveal the faults and corruption of the state, workplace, family, and all other hierarchical institutions. You also need to explain how there is only one form of anarchism, and explain why the other forms such as anarcho-capitalism (the worst form in my view, and shouldn't even be considered a form of anarchism) shouldn't be considered anarchism. If you want, I can proof-read the literary work, and give some advice that can help the public understand your views better.

If they make an Assassin's Creed movie series, which production company would make it the best?

paramount for sure. i lovve these games and i want a hard core movie not the prince of persia like disney did. i like POP but i want a more mature and hardcore movie for assasins creed

Is there a way to put Guitar Hero I & II songs on any of the PS3 GH games?

I have a PS3 and have GH3: Legends of Rock, Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero, and Guitar Hero: World Tour. I started Guitar Hero back when it was on the PS2 and I miss playing the songs that were on those games. Is there a way I can play those songs again? Or can I download the games from the Playstation Network? Thanks everyone.

What's the process of putting a dog to sleep? Are there lots of questions and forms etc? ?

My dog is old and in pain, after debating the notion for a while, we've decided putting her to sleep would be the kindess option. I just can't bare having to explain myself to the vet. If I could just take her in and then we do it straight away I could handle it.

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

She's interested in you. But why she has a boyfriend is beyond me. My advice is, don't waste your time with her, but you will.

My heart won't slow down?

I've been completely off antidepressants for about a month and even though I'm not doing very well off of them, I'm still functioning enough to go to work and do my sport which is riding horses, and blah blah. It is all I can do to not get so frustrated at work since I work retail and you have to have TONS of patience with customers and those coupons and coworkers stealing your sales. It's all I can do not to walk out but so far, I've managed to stay inside and keep the job. I am very stressed out about money, and feeling like I'm going nowhere in life, which I'm really not. Each day is just the same, with no moving forward. But I refuse to take the medication again bc I'm angry and stubborn and don't want the chemicals. When I'm about to get my period, it's like c'mere let me strangle you. I take evening primrose, St. Johns Wart and 5-Htp but really, I just started the last two today. I'm thinking being off the antidepressants is making my heart race like this. I have a cardiologist appt on monday. I'm on beta blockers but they only have been stopping my heart from pounding but it still races. In all, I feel terrible. But I have been in therapy for 6 years and have skills to deal with this. I'm just trying to hold on, keep going, putting one foot in front of the other. I'm scared I'll keep feeling worse. I feel like I need anger management at work. Being at the mall full time is WAY overstimulating for me, who is laid-back, type B, and introverted. This is all very hard. It hurts a lot. It's hard to find a new job, I feel helpless. At times, I feel alien to the world. I look at people and it's like they aren't even the same species as me. Sometimes, when I'm in the crowded mall, there are freakin people everywhere and it feels like a plague. I stop bc someone ran into me, crushed my foot with their baby stroller, or cut in front of me, and I just try to make all the noise seem far away. it's like in the movies when someone is thinking or stressed and everything blurs out and spins and spins around them, and they are standing there and all the noise is far away and they are staring into space. I'm so immature sometimes. I don't know where I got this notion that someone is going to save me, but it's all I wish for sometimes. I feel like I'm dependent and lazy. All I want is to be free. I don't feel like I'm going to make it in this life. I never have, really. And I don't want medicine to make me think otherwise. That seems so unnatural. Everything seems so huge and like a rat race to live. I don't want to run with the other rats. Please help, have you or anyone you know ever felt this way??

How do you insert various page numbers in a document for Word 2007?

I am writing a thesis and cannot figure out how to insert the page numbers with footer. Here are the criteria: 1) no page number on cover page, 2) no page numbers on abstract, 3) the page numbers as i, ii, iii, etc on table of contents, 4) starting on page 1 with chapter 1, AND 5) have to have wording in header and footer on all pages in addition to page number in footer. Anyone know how to, step-by-step? Thanks.

Is it "elitist" when critics widely deride popular books and films, or do most consumers just have bad taste?

Filmmakers don't make the movie so a critic will smile, films are for the masses. A great example of this is the on the buses movie series in Britain. Critics hated it but even today its a hugely popular movie series.

What graphics card would be best for my computer to play starcraft 2?

I pust bought the following computer, ( only difference is mine is the 640 instead of the 645 processor.. I can play starcraft just fine on low settings but any higher and i recieve lag. It says "ATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics Feature up to 2943MB total available graphics memory" i know integrated sucks for games but shouldn't this still be able to play starcraft on med-high graphics? is there a way to dedicate more memory to starcraft? If not what would be some options to upgrade my graphics card....i'd be willing to spend around $100, hoping to be as cheap as i can without losing quality...thanks for any help

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

she could be bored or having problems in her relationship, so shes got the wandering eye syndrome. its possible shes bi or bi-curious. she could just like the attention she is getting from you but not wish to act on it. any of those alternate scenarios could produce jealous behavior. she might be into you though, so you should clear it up at some point.

Please Please help me with my period!!?

I am having cramps but I ate alot of junk food lately and I can like feel my ovaries Ibubbling? I also am farting wile I cramp andd I having alot of discharge latley?? I hhad clear stuff in my underwear? Was it tsweat? I'm 11 1/2 I have alot of armpit hair,,, Pubic hair and pms?? Am I close?? I'm Should I use tampons or pads? Ii havend ask my mom anything yet until I know from u guyz <3 please and thnks! I weigh 79 lbs and am 5 ft I had discharge for 1 year and 1 monthh

Friday, August 5, 2011

Are all these objects compatible and to a 64bit windows 7 system?

ram, hard drive, video card? 530 watt = weak i have to agree with Jayjhis the six core processor is expensive and not really worth it x4 is more than most people could ever utilize i have an 8500 dual core with a mild overclock and i can,t realistically get both cores to 100% with lots of open and running software

Why Is pornography a bad thing?

I am single and i want to stay that way. i like to watch alot of those 1970 exploitation films. I never had a Girlfriend mainly because i put no effort into looking for one( they cost too much). I have watched these type of movies since i was 12 and i never had desire for a Girlfriend. I also really do not want to worry about having kids or dealing with divorce. I enjoy solitude and i hate being touched. I want to be able to go where i want when i want and not have to ask someone elses permission. In my case why would porn be a bad thing especially since i do not want a relationship.

Can Americans help save Greece from its economic woes with my super-gyro fundraiser idea?

Greece need $100 billion so $23 million would not help much. However greece produces wines, cheeses, olive oil etc and if they became the "in" foods it would increase the demand, drive up prices on world markets and improve their balance of trade. Instead of asking for donations your effort would be better spent promoting their exports.

Why are people so quick to judge?

no, don't believe that. you're not a virgin because no girl will have you, it's because those girls are b*tches and you haven't met the right one. I don't judge, but I have strong feelings when it comes to one night stands- I think it's nasty and disgusting. you dont know anything about the person and they could have diseases or something. also, I think people dont like one night stands, because if you do it constantly its slutty and not safe. some people say its just sex, but then why do some people feel guilty after their one night stand? makes them think and you should wait for someone special and you WONT be the 40-years-old virgin (: trust me

Symptoms of Sexual Abuse?

From my personal experiences with sexual abuse victims in males I've noticed them to be overly sexual. A bit sexist and chronic mastubators.

If Creationists think proving evolution wrong would prove them right are they worried some other religion will?

By their way of thinking, if they prove evolution wrong that would somehow validate their notions of how species came to be so diverse. If that were a valid way of thinking, wouldn't it follow that if it were a Wiccan that proved evolution wrong, then Wicca would be the right instead of them?

Is Dubai trying to con the uk again?

I have started to notice more adverts trying to convince the UK of the viability of Dubai. Dubai- is still trying to convince us to invest and to tell us its a good idea to build a city like new york in the middle of a desert in a country that doesn't even have a single river flowing! Not to mention- no more oil - the only 'industries'- tourism in a land surrounded by 6 muslims countries all having revolutions not clever. And banking- a casino as we have all seen. Is it time people saw through the Ponzee scheme that dubai actually is? Personally- I have the state sponsored slavery there and exploitation of third world bonded slaves held against their will with their passports stolen.

Should I be friends with her and did I handle this situation correctly?

WOW i just read it all. I think she knew because shes seen you guys before and is probably trying to get an attitude with you and try to make you feel bad. Maybe she will stop girls like that you never know. I think you handled it okay but just be frienemies i mean shes only your waitress.

Compromising or Settling for a man... Serious Commentary Only?

I recently hung out with an old friend who is now engaged...GO GIRL!!! Yes, this was our screaming, slap happy moment after countless failed relationships and just BS in general. We're both almost 30 (28 to be exact), and with events like ten-year class reunions (to remind us we are not so young anymore-not OLD- but not young either) I personally have started reevaluating my benchmark goals. I was never the girl dreaming about her wedding ring...I dreamed about the first pair of Jimmy Choo's I'd wear to my first board meeting. I wanted to develop ME and be the best me before becoming one with someone else. Don't get me wrong, I did want the complete American dream with the $100K+/year career, house, husband, 2.5 children, dog, and brick red (not white, brick red) picket fence and eggshell/pearl Escalade. I've always been modest in what I want in a man as well as life. I do want to love him, get along with him, have fun with him, worship with him, and for the sake of pro-creating, be attracted to him physically. Living in Atlanta, Ga there are about 12 women for every one man; and with half the men here being homosexual, it's really like 24:1 women:men). The "straight" men have become a hot commodity, and they generally act as if they are oil. The result is the beautiful, successful, intelligent, and sweet women generally lower their standards, take abuse/mistreatment that should not be tolerated, are terribly insecure, and utterly desperate. Yet, there are some who find a balance. Like my friend who is now engaged. She admitted that typically, her fiance is not what she would go for, or what she necessarily WANTS, but she is adamant that when it comes to what she NEEDS in a man, he fits the bill. Apparently, she isn't attracted to him, but he has qualities she likes. I've witnessed her in love before- and she wasted no time professing it though it was already obvious. She said she loves her fiance, yet I wonder if it is a fondness of one who makes you feel safe, and not the love shared between lovers. I wondered, has she compromised on what's more important (prioritized what she desires in a man) or has she, like many other women, settled for what she could get. If she, formerly being so much more picky than I am, has settled, then I really don't know what my chances are finding what I want without having to settle. I don't expect Vin Diesel or Tyrese with money like Bill Gates and a sexual prowess that puts Casanova to shame - but I do expect most of what I want in a man and I should be most of what he wants. I would never want someone to settle for me because I was a safe bet - I actually want to be desired and wanted. I want to give my man the same. Yet, every woman I know that has recently married, or that is getting married, has had to lower her standards and give up on the notion of being in love. Especially in the minority community where a significant number of our young, fully equipped men are in prison, gay, addicted to drugs, and/or disheartedly unemployed quitters (those who won't try anymore). Is it a fairy tale to add "love" and "attraction" to the list that qualifies a potential mate; unrealistic to believe that every qualified, deserving woman will be able to find a qualified, deserving man? The qualifications are case-by-case of course (there should ideally be someone for everyone, no matter what the type or preferences are). Being the mother of a pre-teen who herself desires to see me in a relationship, and after putting so much into her and trying to pursue my career dreams (and that yielding no fruit in light of the recent recession) - being in a healthy relationship is starting to become more and more important to me. I'm not anxious or desperate, but I am concerned. I still have hope...

How do I match a mother board to a CPU ?

I want to purchase the Biostar TA 880GU3+ Version 6x.(It has the audio & video chips) And read up about adding a AMD Phenom II x3 720. The #'s all matched on the Biostar site but then I went to the AMD site they did not have that motherboard as a use able option. In fact none of the Biostar motherboards that they mentioned are available. I have been Googling for information and NOTHING. The both have the AM3 socket. Let me know if you have info or where I can get some. Thanks Dennis

Where would you get a battery replacement for this laptop?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

When are they going to release "The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence" in the U.S.?

I heard it was banned in the UK but I don't see why it shouldn't be released here in the states. I read the plot for it and it sounds awesome and disturbing! On, it doesn't give a release date. All it says is that it is to be released this year. So, anything you've heard on it?

Help me pick a processor?

I would recommend any intel I5 or I7 the 7 is awesome i'm a media junkie as well and while the graphics card is more important in that area the I7 really has awesome performance to be honest i don't think there is a single thing i could say bad about the i7. For you i would recommend the 2nd generation and anything above 2.50 ghz

How many years behind Europe is the USA in terms of social programs?

That prevent the exploitation of people, and make it so that people have universal access to basic life necessities.

First Nikkor Lense; 18-55 vs others?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Finding the concentration of an EDTA solution?

0.5714g og copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate was dissolved in aobut 25.0ml of DI water.The copper solution consumed 15.26 ml EDTA. calculate the concentratioin of EDTA solution

Is this a good laptop? Link included?

Mmm, maybe u should think of buying a computer with more than 750 GB of hard drive, If u are doing research, essays and downloading music and maybe movies, that will take A LOT of space... And try to look for an Intel processor... There's gotta be a reason for them to be so famous... ;) hope this self

(over)Exploitation of fresh water?

Many factories in third world countries pump waste material into lakes & streams, the waste causes toxins to build up in the freshwaters and essentially contaminates them. The contaminated water kills off fresh water species as well as harnessing the quality of people's drinking water. Many governments in developed countries have laws that prevent factories from pumping their waste material into lakes & rivers, there are not a lot of ways to fix the already contaminated water, as many toxins don't decompose easily. I suppose all that an average citizen can do is not disposing rubbish near lakes & rivers.

Albert Einstein: Bible NOT true: Marx: "Opium of the people" Nietzsche: "god is dead. god remains dead" why?

Is that what you think? Or are you letting these individuals make your opinion for you. Investigate the issue and then decide if you do or do not agree with them. I can see how they felt as they did at times because the Bible was the main mover behind the way humans thought at the time. They had to overcome some heavy social pressure just to be allowed thinking room so they could do things in reality instead of waiting for a solution that only they could solve.

How long will this ASSOCIATES degree take me online?

I didn't know that one can get an associates degree online now! When I got mine, at a junior college, many moons ago, it was supposed to take me two years, but I ended up getting it in three years! One year over the two year mark. Also, I didn't take full course semesters. I kind of took a less load each semester, so that slowed me down, from graduating in two years. I'm sure some may have taken double courses and finished in less than two years! I'm not sure how you'd translate this, from a regular two year college, to a college online though. Maybe online colleges have counselors to talk to, like the two year junior colleges do.

Are these good A levels...?

They certainly complement each other, yes. However, as they are all quite similar in the sense that they require and develop a similar set of skills, they could restrict you in terms of career options. That might not be a problem if you are dead set on going on to a career in English or Sociology (for example, if you want to teach). They are all perfectly good subjects to choose, in my opinion, and good grades in those will build a good basis for going to university or the like. Good luck!

When you get a new follower does twitter alert you?

Im new to twitter and wondering say if i follow someone will it let them know that i am following them? or will ii just be added without them knowing how does it work?

Does evolution decrease the probability that God is involved in this world?

No. If evolution would be real it would be a miracle and therefore God would exist, and he really does, though evolution is wrong.

Space and time really make any sense?

I find that the notions of space and time are flaw and deceptive, and that humans will never get a fully understanding of the universe unless they detach themselves from these common-sensical, yet deceptive notions. Am I going crazy?

I just got dumped. How do I cope?

So you got no girls your entire life, finally you thin out and get decent looking and your first inclination is to be in a relationship? Dude, I didn't settle down until i was 30. Your 20's are the best years of your life. Go hook up with as many girls as you can. Forget this girl, you'll barely remember her in 10 years.

Will these sat2 scores hurt my chances of getting into good schools?

i got a 620 on french and 690 on math II i have a 4.2 so and i got a 2200 on the sat1 so obviously my sat2s are much worse. Will this kill my chances?

What pieces of literature can I read regarding governments?

More specifically, I'm looking for the ones that are about government corruption, proletariat exploitation, capitalism vs. socialism issues, securitization, government-conducted genocides (like the one going on here in America), social Darwinism, man-made HIV virus, and others. Also, those read by Sage Francis, Mos Def, Immortal Technique would be appreciated.

Why is it even the dems are laughing?

Yea that's stupid. The real number is between 1.4 to 3.3 million according the most recent economic article I could find on (September 27, 2010)

Is it just me who feels like this about The Grand National?

I absolutely love racing. The industry is really getting cleaned up, and you should see the love and admiration in many an owner's, trainer's etc eye. It wouldn't really make sense to abuse or neglect them since many are worth millions. Then again, I have more experience in flat racing than in steeplechase. While sometimes there are accidents, it happens in every horse sport. I watched a well loved show jumping pony break his neck in a fall. It can happen anywhere. While some horses are more nervous than others, they really do love to run. It's in their nature, they truly love it. It also depends on the horse. Ex racers are often high spirited and jumpy after years on the track, but there are quite a few rescues that take in the horses that are not used for breeding. I'm sorry for what happened to your horse, but you the bad knees can happen anywhere. I once knew an arabian stallion who had them even though he was an english pleasure horse and not a racer. You are not necessarily wrong, but visit a respectable racetrack and you will find at least once horse with a light in his eye and a spring in his step when he sees a track.

How to maintain a 4.0 GPA in high school?

Well I have maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout my whole 3 years as a middle schooler, well this year I will be attending high school (I'm so excited!) and I want to maintain a 4.0 GPA in my 4 years as a high schooler. I really want to do this because it will help me to apply to a good university (I want to become a neurologist)... the hard part is I'm taking all honor classes (9th graders can't take AP) with biology and Algebra II/ Trig. The other hard part is I live in a really rich area, so all the kids that I will attend high school with are really smart. Almost all of the students end up going Microsoft, Boeing or a doctor. So that means the teachers have high expectations. How can I acheive this goal?

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

She's probably into you or maybe she just finds u very attractive I'm a female and super straight but whenever I see a beautiful woman I can't help but stare maybe start talking to you just like friends and see how it goes from there

Can u explain this definition of racism to me?

“the state-sanctioned and/or extra-legal production and exploitation of group-differentiated vulnerabilities to premature death.”

The three greatest current threats to biodiversity, in order starting with the greatest are.?

Human alteration of habitat is the greatest threat to biodiversity throughout the biosphere. Depending on interpretation, this may encompass both destruction and over-exploitationn. Introduced or "invasive" species would be third.

What are the social reasons for the rampant abuse of the elderly and handicapped in the United States?

Utter disrespect for others, lack of morality, and people turning their back on God are the reasons for an increase in these things. Another reason is they have no fear of being punished for their evil deeds.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

•AMD Phenom™ II P650 Dual-Core Processor (2.8GHz) is this good for a laptop with 4gb memory & 500gb hardrive?

I have no idea what a core processor is! someone help explain this to me, and if this is a good laptop for downloading music and saving music, but not like a boat load of music, as well as pictures, like from the webcam and such. As well as enough memory to store papers for college.

First PSN outage, breach class-action lawsuit filed?

I heard on the news that the hackers cant do anything with your CC without the 3 digit security code... if they have any of your information... they might try to contact you to give out your SSN or that 3 digit security code but Sony has warned not to give any information to anyone until this gets all fixed... and yea its not sony's fault... Sony took a while but as long as they get all of it cleared up...its fine by me..

If exported production is equivalent to imported consumerism, why can't tariffs be placed on it?

We are signatories of many free trade agreements that prohibit us from using tariffs is the short blunt answer.

What kind of a father/husband is he? And what can I do about my situation (pretty long)?

Two ways of looking at the situation.Would your mum still be married to your dad if children were not involved.I don't think so.I think that she is terrified of him and is only sticking with him while children are at home.I had a step dad very similar to your dad.I moved out,got married and never spoke to him again.Do I regret it?No.I never even went to his funeral.I think all of your dads problems go right back to his childhood and what he is doing he thinks it is the norm.You do what you want to do.I just hope your mum sees sense and gets out as soon as she can.You both deserve better.Good luck


Its sickening, how can they do that! I dont think they should be executed, I think they should be put in jail and let them suffer there.

Hello! How many times more powerful is today's average computer than an average computer in 1980 for example?

Let's put it this way....New computers back then came with around 4K RAM, so today's average PC comes with 1-2 million times that

Read this paragraph. Now, are you tempted to read further?

No...Very boring and over-descriptive. I don't need to know every little thing about a sewing machine...What does it have to do with your story?

In music Instruments overpower vocals on my computer. (Headphones, Speakers, etc.)?

This isn't always prevalent, but is incredibly annoying, especially when the voice appears frail in comparison to the instruments. (I listen to bands like As I Lay Dying, Korn, All That Remains, In Flames, Eminem, Cradle of Filth, Thousand Foot Krutch, Lil Wayne, Godsmack, Breaking Benjamin, Slipknot, Demon Hunter, NWA, Lamb of God, Suicide Silence, Lupe Fiasco, Lonely Island, and Whitechapel, to give you a frame of what my music sounds like, and to dispell the notion that it is one type of music that is doing this)

What would be a good gpu that is compatible with this system?

thats a beautiful sounding pc! any GPU should work. $200-300 is alot for a gpu. you dont need any more than 2GB DDR5 gpu. ddr5 is the latest most up to date type of gpu but youd do fine with a ddr3. for gaming id keep it around 1gb ddr3

Did Jesus simply talk about scripture, or was he an activist?

When you filter out the impossibilities and absurdities attributed to him, he didn't seem to actually do much except whinge and make false promises!

GUYS: where would this friendship/relationship stand from here?

ok,so me, my bestie her brother and her brothers friiend (the guy i like) were all at my friends house we were all sleeping there that night.This guy i like knows i like him but i didnt know that until just a while ago,and he dont like me back its just barly more then friends he likes like he thinks im his pretty little sister to him just a little but more but we were all watching a scary movies sitting on the couch adn everone fell asleep except for him and when i woke up i was laying in his lap but then i when back to sleep and i herd him wake up e moved a little then he tryed to wake up his friend and see if he was awake, he wasnt so he kinda just patted my back and whent back to sleep later on everyone was awake EXCEPT FOR ME. and no body wanted to wake me because they know iI get moddy and grumpy when i get woke up from a deep sleep but this time i would not have minded being woke they made my crush just lay there with me laying on his lap until I woke up I was so embarssed when i woke up, cuz iI KNOW he dont like me back and after that day i found out that he knew I liked him....But i kinda wanna know what is thinking is this big or small he acted like he didnt care but at 1st when i saw his face he was kinda laughing.Its bean 2 days and he hasnt even said hi to me, what is going through his head does this matter?Also they said they herd me mumble some stuff in my sleep but i was having a nightmare about the scary movie we watched. (and we all are 13 and my friends brother is almost 14 in a few months)

Are aftermarket heatsink fans too heavy for the motherboard?

I built a computer with a AMD 1100T processor and used the stock heatsink fan but it is too loud and ineffective. I bought an aftermarket fan (OCZ Vendetta II) but it seems kind of heavy. Will it damage my motherboard if there is too much weight hanging?

What is with this notion that Goku is unbeatable.?

Dragonball basically got me into anime, but looking around there's so much blind fanboyism regarding it. Goku is incredibly strong but he's not invincible. Power level and speed means nothing when he's up against reality warpers and whole universe destroyers. There are characters who are broken beyond belief who can make it so he simply never even existed. What can one man possibly do against all that.

If Christ really loved people, why he left them at he mercy of exploiters, racists and cheaters?

Jesus was not like the Prophet Mohammad ,every prophet has a specific mission and character ,the Prophet Mohammad can die for his community and his community also can die for their Prophet ,but the companion Of Jesus sold him as per the bible by Judas , other refused to recognized him , you know very well the Islamic history and the bible also . you are the Judge now ,God never err ,God knows well what HE DO ,

Upgrading my desktop computer for smooth gaming?

I suggest Nvidia Graphic card.. for me its better than radeon.. Nvidia Quadro FX 5800 is the latest model its 4gb.. but if its only for gaming try this one GeForce GTS 450.. its 2 times faster than Radeon HD 5750..

What religions or ideologies support the notion of being a good steward of the earth...?

For instance, taking care of the world and the life within it in order to provide the greatest opportunities for those that come after.

Do you agree with my recipe for fixing the economy?

Wow, that is kind of scary, but it does make a lot of sense. I don't know that that taking it to that extreme is necessary but the basic idea sounds great.

Am I math SAT doomed? ?

Ok let's just say that freshman year math was filled with me not caring about algebra at all. I probably should have. As a result of this, I was not put into honors geometry for sophomore year. I feel like I have essentially doomed myself because I am not getting the in depth knowledge of both maths needed for the SATs (I heard they base it on Alg I, II, and Geometry). Is there any way I can kind of go more in depth outside of the classroom? How? Or am I essentially doomed?

Can you explain my Pisces coworker for me?

That doesn't sound like a pisces at all. I think that's just her. Child beat her behind when your shift over. I bet you she not gonna have nothing to say after that!!

Why do men seem to judge skinny small breasted women negatively?

I don't understand why some men (not all just some) seem to judge skinny women in such a harsh negative way unlike our thicker counterparts. I have had men call me a skinny ***** and say I probably don't cook so I'm not worth nothing, men have been dismissive and rude to me but than are perfect gentleman to a thicker girl even if she is unattractive and rude. I have even had men tell me that I seem stuck up selfish and unloving just because I'm thin and smaller on top. I'm usually quite shy but I always strive to be kind and respectful to everyone I meet. I don't consider myself unattractive either I've modeled and done pageants in the passed but have always been tall leggy and athletic. I just easily stay at a size four with my big butt and perky b's lol. I just don't get the rudeness from some men. If your not attracted fine but i don't get these preconceived notions abut my character based solely on my appearance. I work as a bartender/waitress and also have a very male dominated social structure so I hear this crap a lot.

How to write a thesis about a literary piece?

Think of it like this - you want your paper to outline 3 major concepts. So you could choose 3 interesting things about John's personality, 3 important things John did and why that matters in the story, what John represented to Granny, or 3 events John experienced. These are just some examples of what you could focus on with the character. After you pick the 3 concepts, the rest should be easy to organize! Your thesis will basically just state what the 3 concepts are so the reader knows what each section of the paper will be about. Hope this helps!!

Rape victims often become vegetarians or vegans?

is this true? that after a woman is raped she will often become a vegetarian or vegan because she relates the exploitation she went through to the exploitation animals go through? i read about it somewhere

I want to cry..............?

Let those tears out u will feel a little better when u let all ur tears out and then after that drink a glass of water thats cold and then shower fast and watch a really funny movie and then eat burger king or mcdonalds

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Should I get this laptop?

YES get it, my dad has it and its amazing TRUST ME :D and it's not expensive compared to the MAC Book

What do you think about this speech on "the meaning of life n the concept of evil?"?

What is our mission in life? All these negatives in life are actually positives! You are probably thinking (as an atheist or a person who doubts god) ‘what do u mean? Death, murder, rape is positive?” holistically, it is and ill tell you why. God wants to test you. He will test you with loses, fear, loss of wealth, he WILL test you. So the system of life is designed by God to be full of hardships and loss. So let’s define what is “evil.” So the atheists nowadays that when (for example) a tsunami takes place ; its evil. When an earthquake takes place; its evil. The flood that took place in Pakistan ; its evil. (an atheist would say) “how could this happen? A ‘merciful’ god see a child just drown, starve (etc)??” and humans like you and I would cry, we would have compassions for a child drowning,, how could GOD do that?? True, good question. We ask that question all the time don’t we? Actually, the term “EVIL” is false. It is improperly attached to this event. Let me define evil properly (this is btw how atheism starts – when u misdefine terminologies and u get stuck in a spiral of misunderstandings and all but positivity comes to mind ) the true definition of evil is A WILLFUL REJECTION OF GOOD. Meaning, when I have free will I can choose to do good and I can choose to reject good , which brings about evil . my willfull rejection of promoting good leads me to evil. So NOTICE the definition of evil – the definition of evil has a direct connection with free will – if u take the free will notion out – then evil will NOT exist. Therefore, a tsunami has no notion of evil – there is no question of choice there it is a matter of physical reality taking place where water is no longer defiling space where it is supposed to. Notice the definition of evil!! Now when atheist say to you , “ look at that evil tsunami ! god is seeing that child die! What an evil god, I thought god was supposed to be good? So there must NOT be a god if there is so much evil.” Now let me give u a little vision to this answer.. see, to us death is a terrible thing because it is not in our control. Life is not in our control, We cannot bring anything to life once it is dead. No scientist today knows the origin of life. NO SCIENTIST. We do not know how life started, we can talk about how it moves forward but nobody truly knows how it started (and don’t say the ‘big bang theroy’ bcuz it is a THEROY not a provent fact). And we know for a fact that non living entities do not give birth to living entities. So therefore by definition of a miracle is something that happens but u do not know the cause of it. True? (yes!) we call it miraculous. Therefore, life is miraculous, life is a miracle. You notice that life has its origins but none of us know what it is.. it just moves forward. Its so incredible that when we look at a living entity giving birth to a living entity, we don’t know how it functions – we just know that it moves know when we reflect, that the mercy of God in putting togather this life (even in an atheistic perspective) has to be in a positive direction. If I say to myself that I am existing and I decide not to do anything good, you will find that u will spiral in a negative. If you don’t wake up in the morning and u don’t go forward and do something in a positive way.. you will die.. if you don’t wake up in the morning and polish yourself and clean yourself – look at how god has built the system – where you have to take a shower, you have to groom yourself, you have to cut your nails, you have to cut your hair, why has god done that? Why cant we just do it once, and forget about it? Because god says in this world you are consistently going to struggle, it’s a never ending struggle, and you are going to keep doing it until you die. Because that is the design of god system, that the POSITIVE NATURE IS THE DRIVING FORCE OF EVERYTHING. So when people ask “what kind of god can watch his own child die” there is a mercy to that, and what is that mercy? It’s the compassion you and I feel for that child. You say ‘ a child died, I feel like im going to cry.’ God says “THAT’S IT; THAT’S why I took the child away” that if you can understand the value of life, how could you if you didn’t see it go away? How can you understand the fragility of the human race if you didn’t experience it. How can you understand the value of the stable earth, if it didn’t shake? Tell me, how could you??

Help on deciding better cell phone?

I'm confused on buying a cell phone, my choices are spice m6800 or lg T310 i wink or samsung corby II

Run recent games at high settings?

Not at a high resolution like HD or anything, especially with only 512 mb of VRAM. The 5670 is only a mid range gaming card

Where to watch the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows online?

uuumm its illegal for any other sites to stream it not affiliated with Warner brothers so be cautious

Here, another poem I was not going to write for YAP. Will you c/c? Will you advise/edit my poem? Pleae answer?

One of my faults is the full rhyme. With free verse being the main form of poetry today the half rhyme gives a more modern feel. But you retain the meter of traditional forms, which is good to hear. When read out loud this sounds really smooth and there are no tongue twisters - some poets doing free verse READ okay but SOUND dreadful. This is excellent. A love poem that expounds in enough words to get the message across. Like it a lot.