Friday, August 12, 2011

HELP! NVQ UK or SAUDI? what are the chances of a fresh grad nurse now?

NVQ in the UK is ok to boost your education but not if you are a fully qualified nurse. You could not survive on �6 per hour working 20 hours per week because that is �120 which is not enough to survive on as rent etc is very expensive, my weekly rent for my flat/apartment is �68, council tax is �20 per week and electricity is �25 per week. Unemployment here in the UK is high and most of the UK recently graduated nurses are unemployed and for any job that is advertised there is up to 2000 people applying for it so I am not being rude but I think we have enough unemployment problems for the British person without people like yourself adding to it. I cant comment of Agency A because I done know anything about them but it doesn't sound legal or secure. Good Luck.

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