Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why is it that most people in the West don't give a hoot about anyone but themselves?

There's a common expression used in Australia " F#ck you Jack I'm alright " referring to people looking after their own affairs, something similar would apply in the USA. What most people really mean is as long as I have a job, food on the table, beer in the fridge and can sit down and watch the football on the weekend, who cares what's going on in the rest of the world ? The news report is just entertainment unless one of our soldiers get zapped in Afghanistan then everyone from the PM downwards puts on a show and says oh-dear-oh-dear ! ( how can this happen ) to us ? Most people to be frank don't care too much about politics . So politicians can renege on election promises and feather their nest when in parliment and give themselves large pensions and other lurks and perks like free overseas and domestic travel when they retire or are kicked-out of politics ?

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